The Five Biggest Differences Between iPhones and Androids

There are thousands of different phones out there, and it can be hard to know which one to choose when shopping for a new device. iPhones and Androids dominate the market, but there are plenty of other choices out there, like Windows Phones or the Blackberry. Here are five of the biggest differences between these devices, so you can figure out which one best suits your needs and budget.
Free apps
Both iPhone and Android phones have a number of free apps that they offer. Whether you’re looking for productivity tools, social media management, or other useful utilities, there’s sure to be an app out there that can help you accomplish your goals. Here are just a few of the best free apps available:
1) Google Drive is an online storage system that lets you save files remotely while saving space on your hard drive as well. The app has almost all the features of the desktop version with a streamlined interface to make things easier to find. 2) Boost requires access to your mobile data in order to operate, but it pays for itself if you end up needing roadside assistance or calling an Uber on the way home from work.
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Physical size
This is probably the first thing you will notice when holding an iPhone or Android. The first difference many people notice is that iPhones are just a bit smaller in size than most Androids. While this may not seem like much, it actually can make a big difference. If you are getting a phone to use with one hand, you’ll want something more compact which is something you will be better off with if you’re thinking about an iPhone.More Info About Dumbbells
Android phones have replaceable batteries
One of the more obvious distinctions between the iPhone and Android is the battery. iPhones, as far as anyone knows, have non-replaceable batteries, meaning that if you run out of juice on your phone (and I’m sure many people are sick of this happening), you’re going to be stuck without a way to charge it for a long time. When your phone dies on an Android device, you have three options: plug in the cable to charge it from a computer; plug in the cable to charge it from a wall adapter; or swap out your battery for another one (usually charged).
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The functionality of Google Assistant vs Siri
One example of an iPhone feature is Google Assistant. The Google Assistant can search through apps on your phone, which Siri cannot do. Siri only offers voice searches which are typically quite limited in what you can find, so if you’re looking for something that’s not on your phone or in the internet browser then it will take a lot longer to search through a database of songs or pictures with Siri. The big difference here is that the Google Assistant on an iPhone can easily search for things such as what channel is going to be playing Jeopardy tonight whereas Siri cannot do this without it being installed onto the device first. With this more advanced technology, an iPhone tends to be more complex with more features making them superior to a basic Android device.
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You can turn off Apple’s intrusive notifications
One of the biggest problems with Android is that you can’t control how your phone behaves when there are notifications. Once a notification pops up, it usually stays on the screen until you turn it off manually. Fortunately, Apple’s phone allows you to set the amount of time your notifications stay on-screen. You can also change who’s able to send them and when they get delivered!